Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Oh dear, Club Med has killed my weightloss!
Back on the diet today with a serious vigour. I weighed myself this morning. Oh dear, down to 40% of the target. I'm gutted. and stuffed. and had a great time so who cares? Oh yes, the bet! Sharon and I are focused again and are going for it!
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
1:40 PM
OK dudes, I'm back home in San Pedro - had a great trip, bought out half of Walmart and Chedraui and shlepped back a full kick bag for Paul! That's a gazillion brownie points for me! I shall write of my 5 days in Mexico at the Club Med with multitudes of men in Speedos at a later post - I have to catch up with some work first.
See you in a bit.
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
12:51 PM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
On the move!
About to leave Cancun and to the beaches and shops of Playa del Carmen - all of you that know me in Playa, I'll be there at the beginning of the afternoon - come find me!
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
8:49 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Ou-est Cindy aujourd'hui?
I'm at Club Med in Cancun!!!!!!
Do you know just how much cheese and wine you can eat here????
I'll be huge!
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
8:22 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Mum, I know you miss him, but he's a bad kitty.
He's obviously been out drinking too much coz he's all fuzzyCurled up in the clean laundry with his pet racoon - must be one hell of a hangover (too much catnip)
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
1:46 PM
Percy Thrower eat your heart out
Pots of green things! Still no tomato fruit but I've got peppers! There was a 2 minute break in the rain so I rushed out to take some pics of the garden.Basil
Peppers and tomatoes
Mint - hmmm mojitos
Basil and Aloe
Various bits
Pumpkin in a pot
Upsidedown tomato (slightly drowned, tips going brown)
Melon seedlings (I really hope these give fruit)
Peppers, yay
Another pumpkin and more peppers
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
1:17 PM
Nicole and TV Tom get hitched
The bride and groom - you've been caked!
A very very serious bride
Good lord, I wish I could remember this wedding! It was definitely an adventure just getting there!
It was raining so hard that morning that my plans of buying a dress and some shoes nice and early were completely blasted out the water. At 1.45 pm I finally make a decision to brave the weather and head into town, the wedding being 2 miles south at 4pm. Frantic rushing around, trying on clothes (which I hate), trying on shoes (by this time I'm very vocal about how much I don't care what I have on my feet, Paul is shuffling round the shop getting shouted at also getting annoyed). We bump into a friends of ours at the same store, they are going to the same wedding, she has nothing to wear either and he is so pissed off he won't even go into the shop! lol. Why did we leave it to the last minute? Anyway, we rush home, shower and change. We zoom over to Ruth's house and she puts make up and jewelery on me - then a few of us meet at the Sandbar to convoy down south together so we can help each other out if some of us get stuck. Of course, that some of us was Paul and I. Robby came to the rescue, but we managed to pop the cart in reverse and bump backwards until it came loose from the mud. We arrived, safe, sound and in high spirits. We were late and had missed the "marrying" part - not a problem, the bride and groom were both there for that bit so all was well. A merry night (very merry for me...) was had by all. Here are the photos. We got stuck on the way home, had to abandon the golf cart. Thank you to the police sub-section of Mosquito Coast for towing us out and thank you very very much to Grant who took the pair of us home when we were blind drunk and arguing about why the golf cart got stuck (sorry Grant). The pictures are all jumbled up, but nevermind eh? Internet this morning is like pulling teeth - I shall post some more at a later dateStuck in the puddle - Robby to the rescue
Bride and mum
Rubber duck, rubber duck, this is Pigpen - remember that film???? Convoy!
I look great with just one leg
Muppets on carts
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
11:52 AM
Fishing with the girls and Cpt Jeff
Ah, those were the days when the rain didn't come down. This is how far behind I am on the old blogging stuff (as Sharon so aptly told everyone).
We had a great morning out on the reef and caught lots of yellowtail snapper and triggerfish. Jeff even caught a baby shark, we're not sure which type it is, we think maybe Bull. We set the little one free immediately and hope he doesn't come back one day to bite our knees.
Thanks again Jeff, a fantastic few hours of fishing.
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
11:23 AM
Ou es Cindy?????
Ummm it would seem that our Cindy has been so busy eating and drinking that she hardly has time to blog anymore, luckily for her Sharon is here kidnapping her blog to let all her worried friends and family know that she is fit and well. I do have some photos that I could post to prove it (mainly sat in bars drinking cocktails with me!) but seem to be having some trouble without her here to help so that will have to come later on! Mum Vigna we are all doing great the gang, including the four legged ones are all ok be it a bit wet but still smiling. My dad used to say you have two choices in life, either laugh or cry and we have done both of late but usually the crying comes in after all the laughing after all the drinking! The photos to follow of twinkle toes aka muppet Paul teaching us to dance in Pedro's on Friday night are priceless, ttfn.
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
7:45 AM
Monday, October 20, 2008
Alain and I
San Pedro can breathe easy once again, the speedos have moved to the beaches of Mexico, and I shall be joining them tomorrow for a couple of days! Let's hope the sun comes out!
Here we are with the classic family grin, so very very happy to be together.
I have just this second received a call from him, they have let him out of Belize and let him into Mexico (phew), I thought I may have to spend the day on the phone again with immigration Belize (easy) and immigration Mexico (very hard to go through all that in Spanish).
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
2:02 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hanging out with my bro
Hi mum, this is just a quickie for you. It's raining and has not stopped since Alain arrived. His word to describe Belize is humid. We are all very unimpressed with the weather. And yes, in answer to your question, we're playing nice! We're having a great time despite the puddles, and I'm dashing off to meet him in 10 minutes at Caribbean Villas Catamaran bar for BBQ.
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
12:29 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Eating my words - at least they're fat free
Where did that 1/2kg come from? OK, pretty please Miss Sharon, can we extend the diet time? I appear to be eating and drinking for the whole of San Pedro whilst Alain is here.
A timeout whilst visiting family is here now does seem like a good idea. I'm eating humble pie....(is that fattening?)
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
9:35 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ever hopeful - dogs at BBQ
OK, I just stole this picture from Tacogirl's blog (thanks Laurie).
This is my muppet eating BBQ ribs at the Catamaran bar on Sunday, interested parties included: Coco, Carmen, Scooby, Molly, Jackie, Lisbon and Pebbles!
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
11:32 AM
Sharon is home
And she's rather upset at having gained a certain amount of weight. HEHEHEHEHEHE.
Now she wants to extend the diet for 3 more weeks.
Tell me what you think?
My brother arrives today for 3 weeks and I shall obviously be going out to eat and drink a fair bit. Should we take this timeout? Or shall I just struggle with going out and drinking soda water and eating brocoli?
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
10:29 AM
For all you Monegasque out there!
OK, just so that you know, if you are from Monaco and you are coming to visit me, YOU NEED A BL**DY VISA!
Hopefully, my family member that I have been waiting for since yesterday lunchtime should arrive this afternoon, as they will let him in the country and then issue him his visa. It only took 6 hours of phone calls and 80 dollars of phone credit.
I mention no names.
I'm going to kick his behind when he arrives. What a muppet! (it must run in the family...)
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
10:17 AM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Skinny bitch jeans
Aha, my goal when we started this healthy weightloss thingy was to get into my skinny bitch jeans again.
Tentatively tonight, I squeezed them on and "HOORAY" I can get in them, button them up and breath.
However, it will take a good 4lbs more to lose so that I don't look like some horrible tubby girl in jeans far too tight for her.
But hey, 12 weeks ago I couldn't get them past my thighs - I yell "Victory-ish"
Posted by
Cindy the Conquerer
8:21 PM