What a day and what a night!
I woke up at 5am making mental lists, so I gave up and got up ahead of schedule (thank goodness). Gave Sharon a call and we decided to walk the dogs to get a good start to the day. So after walking the beach way down south we got back at about 7.30am and started with the preperations for the 5pm start to the block party.
I chopped, chopped and chopped some more. A big THANK YOU to my neighbour Zac and my muppet Paul for shelling and deveining all that shrimp and helping chop more veggies.
I have never looked sexier in a bikini and a shower cap.....NOT.
Sharon rushed around all day fetching and carrying for me. And super well done to the Tacos and Travelqueen for decorating the booth and being storage HQ.
I finally finished cooking at 4.20pm, jumped in the shower, then called Carlos the taxi driver to take us all down to central park. We piled in a TV, tables, chairs, all the food, cleaning stuff, drums, Zac, Paul and I - we arrived at the booth at 4.59pm.......
The rest is Lobsterfest 2008 history - enjoy the photographs on our blogs.
You can check out the Taco's on http://www.tacogirlblog.blogspot.com/ and Sharon's on http://www.boydiebelize.blogspot.com/.
So much fun and so elated when we won best booth. Rico's restaurant at Banyan Bay won best dish and 2nd prize for best cocktail - we swept the board.
Shout outs and thank yous to all of you out there that listened to crazy ideas, fed me coffee, brought over stuff from the States, provided equiment and support and just thought that this was generally a great idea. THANK YOU!
Can I go to sleep now? I promise not to try and organise anything else......this week!
I can't believe I'm posting this one.
The Deluscious gang at the booth, where's my muppet?
Dick and Carole
Mysterious French ladies sailing round the world.....they now have the hats! We want photos ladies please!!!
Taco Paul and Sharon
Cindy and all...CONGRATS!!! It looks like so much fun, I am sorry we missed it this year!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even recognize you two!!!!!!! I'm so mad at myself now!!!
I have so many pictures of you guys from a couple years ago with Adam and Karen. My aunt Ethel keeps asking about you guys. I went and got a lobster hat from you guys and totally didn't recognize you :(( I dont know how to post a pic of me in the hat :(
lol im blog stupid!
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