Monday, November 3, 2008

All hallows eve (that's Halloween to you)

a.k.a. the PimpNho party at Pedro's Inn.
What a night, I think! I was pretty blitzed when I arrived at work. Decided to dress Paul up as Britney Spears for the party, but then after a couple of glasses at wine at lunchtime, I decided to steal his costume.
It was a damn good party and the costumes were stunning. Well done to my neighbour who scored first prize for being the mac daddy of mac daddies.
I'm sure there are some photos somewhere, and shall get those posted.
In the meantime, check out Sharon's blog or
it was a hoot

Here are the pictures. They are what they are: a bunch of drunken hooligans in costumes having a great night out!
Laurie is the winner- fantastic!
The two Pauls being pimped

Walter's tonsils

no comment!

The electrifying Helda on the right, also a winner

Hannah Montana. Are you sure Richard?


Oh dear, just who do we think we are? Oh yes, I remember - Britney Spears on the left and Morticia on the right
Thanks again to Ruth for making the pair of us ready for the Halloween party

Sorry mum
Twinkle toes does his stuff and impresses Britney Spears (photo stolen from Tacogirl's blog)

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