Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pre-birthday birthday party - with lots of cake

My word - we left Paul's family and drove over to see the rest of mine. My cousin David, his gorgeous wife Anna and the 3 seriously cheeky monkies. One of them was six the following day and we had a pre-birthday birthday party! YEAH! Here is Emily who CANNOT WAIT to be 6!

A sneaky cheeky early pressie
Rob showing of his dance moves
Mum showing off hers!
It's the dancing Von Trapp family
I've seen that one in Pulp Fiction

Another sneaky pressie

My cousin Madeleine
All the boys on the trampoline in the garden

Martin and Madeleine

My mum and her sister Mary
The kids feast
Our feast!
Mary and Madeleine - nice cheesy one there Mads

We blew up so many balloons!
Mum and Martin - very cheesy indeed!

So many different cakes - my Aunty Mary made 4 different ones - Sharon eat your heart out!

Happy kids

Big kids - these two belong to Madeleine - they are Mathew and Jonathon. they are sporting the sultry teenage boy look which involves lots of floppy hair
Mum having no fun at all
Aunty Mary's handiwork - fab

David doing some cleaning up

The Cullis family

The silly family

Bye - see you soon

Rob with Kissa the cat
The party girl has completely crashed on the sofa - what a great evening!
Thank you so much!

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